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Language, Traditions and Interests

97 % of the population is white (they're mostly spanish and italian) mestizo, Amerindian and the remaining 3 % are nonwhite groups.  The language of Argentina is spanish however some of the native people speak their own languages to try and keep the traditions of their tribes and villages.
 A lot of the Argentine people are immigrants or have ancestors that came from Europe so a lot of their customs come from European countries. Different groups of immigrants were able to make money and make a lifestyle out of different ways of life in the community. For example : most of the irish people made their living by raising sheep while other germans and italians raised different farms and the british did not work on farms at all.
 One of the many customs of all Argetines is dancing.The tango is the official dance of Argentina. So many people love to dance in ballrooms and casually in parks or plazas.They are also very passionate about everything they do and care deeply for their families and other interests.

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